The Leaders in Warehouse Doors and Loading Dock Equipment


Call Us at (985) 246-1550
21449 Marion Lane Unit 8
Mandeville, LA 70471

FAX (985) 809-8166


Providing Services to the Gulf Coast Area


Planned Maintenance

The Benefits are Real!

Why planned maintenance and not preventive maintenance?  Planned maintenance is maintenance that is performed purposely and regularly in order to prevent a machine from deteriorating or breaking down.  We cannot prevent maintenance.  Even with the best maintenance program, you may still encounter breakdowns.  But with a planned maintenance program, it allows one to catch most major failures before they happen and schedule the repairs on a day that does not disturb your production.  After all, what is the real reason for planned maintenance?  That's right!  Profits!

Planned maintenance increases profits!  And that should be the primary objective for any business.  Profit oriented goals apply to an elderly couple operating a grocery store up to large corporations. 

Planned maintenance can increase profits in many ways:

  • Increased production: Reduces wasteful or unnecessary downtime.
  • Reduced costs: Higher productivity, form less downtime, thereby increasing profits.  Also can stop major damage of equipment to allow overall ownership cost to be reduced.

One of the many responsibilities of management is to seek ways to increase production and/or reduce costs.  It is usually easier to increase production, and maintenance can help achieve that goal by reducing downtime.  A piece of equipment not operating is producing nothing. However a piece of equipment running, even if is not 100%, is producing and thus adding profit.  Planned maintenance helps keep downtime to a minimum, while still maintaining the equipment in such a condition that goals for both production and cost are achieved.

Call Gulf Coast Dock and Door today at

(985) 246-1550 to discuss your planned maintenance options or send us an Email!